Bill Details
Original Bill Text
About The Bill:
- The Arkansas Employment First Act is a bill that will improve job opportunities for people with disabilities.
- The bill recognizes that some disabled people face barriers when trying to find work and states that public policy should help remove these barriers.
- It promotes good practices in areas like transitioning young people into work, getting employers involved, improving services, and providing training and support for disabled people.
- The bill also encourages businesses to use free-market principles to hire people with disabilities, which can benefit the economy and make it easier for employers to hire disabled people.
- This bill’s goal is to help people with disabilities find jobs and make sure that they have the same opportunities as everyone else.
- The bill encourages different groups and organizations to work together to support disabled people.
- The bill would give disabled people more chances to do important work and go to college.
- To carry out this bill, the Arkansas Office of Employment First will be created, along with the Employment First Business Partner Program.
- The Office of Employment First will have an advisory committee consisting of 21 unpaid members, including self-advocates with disabilities, family members or guardians of disabled people, and representatives from different agencies.
- This committee will play an important role in:
- Making agreements between different groups
- Setting goals
- Tracking the progress of disabled people in finding jobs
- Reporting the progress of Employment First practices to the Director of the Office of Employment First and the Secretary of the Department of Commerce.
- Committee members may receive money for being on the committee.
- The Employment First Business Partner Program is led by the Arkansas Office of Employment First.
- To be a part of the Employment First Business Partner Program, businesses need to employ disabled people and pay them at least minimum wage ($11 per hour).
- The Arkansas Office of Employment First reviews applications based on the number of disabled employees and the disabled employees’s length of employment.
- Personal information about employees is not required from businesses.
- Businesses suggested by the community are also considered.
- Suggested businesses have 30 days to respond and either accept or decline the invitation to join the program.
- When applying or being suggested by the community, businesses must provide information such as business name, location, and contact information.
- Once chosen as a partner, businesses need to confirm that they are following the program’s rules once a year or they will lose their membership to the program.
- Businesses can choose to end their membership at any time by telling the Office of Employment First.
- The program will have a special logo for businesses to use, and the Arkansas Office of Employment First will create rules for its usage.
- The program’s website, managed by the Division of Workforce Services, will provide information about participating businesses, updated requirements, application processes, and resources to support the employment of disabled people.
- A report on the program’s effectiveness, written by The Arkansas Office of Employment First, will be submitted to government officials by January 1, 2025.
Bill Status
Read first time, rules suspended, read second time, referred to INSURANCE & COMMERCE - SENATE
Withdrawn from Committee and placed on calendar.
Recommended for study in the Interim Committee on INSURANCE & COMMERCE - SENATE
Sine Die adjournment
Greg Leding
Democratic - 30
DeAnn Vaught
Republican - 87
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